Gildehoen Chicken

Living conditions
The Gildehoen chicken is raised in a stable with straw and daylight. The strong Hubbard breed lives longer and grows up with a normal day and night rhythm with the use of natural light. The chickens have water and food available 24 hours per day. To improve the foraging, feed is distributed across the stables twice a day. Due to the lower occupancy in the stables, only 2/3 of the normal poultry farm, and due to the availability of foraging and toy material the animals grow up in a pleasant way.
The poultry farmers notice that this is a pleasant way to see the chicken grow up, they are lively, healthy and there is hardly any loss. The slaughter age of the Gildehoen chicken is 49 days (normal 35 days).
For more information about the Gildehoen chicken see our Gildehoen chicken website.
Consciously better!
Scheria has converted all meals, fast-paced products into antibiotics free consciously better chicken; The Gildehoen chicken! This makes Scheria a leader in this field!

Consciously better!
Scheria has converted all meals, fast-paced products into antibiotics free consciously better chicken; The Gildehoen chicken! This makes Scheria a leader in this field!